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Love And Meditation

Mind: Mind is a self consuming process. Its very nature is to remain burdened with the load of itself. It has to be always loaded with thoughts, more intense the thoughts, more justified is the existence of this thought laden mind. Anything which is related to fear, greed or ambition belongs to the mind. We cannot be aware by trying to be aware, yet this trying is the only thing we can presently do. Distractions: Mind loves distractions, it loves to run away from the self. Escape is its only way. It cannot stand its own wretchedness. It creates illusions of every kind for survival. Our whole body and being is compelled to obey the mind, because we are not aware of any other centre in our being. Mind creates a thick web of patterns of thoughts and habits to make itself real, to make itself tangible, to provide a kind of permanence to itself. Transcending mind:Losing control is one way of falling below the mind. But the real question is how to transcend mind? The very approach of asking questions belongs to the mind, but the mind cannot transcend itself. So we have to act on the spur of the moment to break out of the mould of the mind. We have to capture the interval between thoughts and remain aware. Only be concerned about the action in the present. That is the only way for us to break out of the mould of mind, to transcend mind.

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