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Men In Blue
(W. E. B. Griffin)

Men In Blue is the first novel in a series written by W.E.B. Griffin. The series of novels is named Badge of Honor. Griffin is best known for two series of novels about the U.S. military. Because of the popularity of his war novels, he first published Men In Blue under a pen name - John Kevin Dugan. He later republished the novel under W.E.B. Griffin. The setting is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during the 1970's. Griffin begins the story much like an episode of Law and Order would begin. He jumps right into the centerpiece crime the entire plot surrounds. The character development in the opening act is minimal. To avoid diverting the reader's focus from the crime vividly depicted, the author describes the characters just enough to create a mental, physical description. At the conclusion of the opening scene, Griffin develops the charaters already introduced to a greater degree as well as introducing other characters. He develops the characters extensively upon introducing them into the plot. One of the strong suits in this book is the character development. If you are one of those people who find yourself lost or confused when it comes to keeping characters straight in your mind, you shouldn't have that problem with Men In Blue. As entertaining as the plot is in the book, that's not the main focus of the author. Above everything else, this novel is about police officers. From the rookie traffic cop all the way up to the commissioner. It's an in-depth, provocative look at the inward workings of a large city police department. Interpersonal relations between officers and politics are examined to a great degree. The opening crime almost takes a backseat to the secondary story. The inner-workings of the P.D. Griffin introduces interesting characters including: a young, beautiful reporter; the mayor who was police commisioner before being elected to office; the police commisioner who appears to be the mayor's puppet; a newspaper crime reporter who has a very good relationship with the police department which he does not have shame to exploit; and many more interesting characters. When the book's plot concludes, the character development doesn't. I found myself wanting more when the book finished. Luckily enough, there is much, much more. W.E.B. Griffin does an admirable job dispaying the courage, loyalty, and humanity of the men and women who patrol the streets of our cities. The novel was published in 1988, thirteen years before the horrific events of 9/11. The heroism displayed on that day has been inside the heart of every officer throughout the history of our country. Men In Blue shows that everyday heroism we may overlook from time to time.

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