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Feluder Goendagiri (investigation Of Feluda)
(Satyajit Ray)

In Bengali literature, the character Feluda by Satyajit Ray has taken the place of Sherlock Holmes. Feluda stories have not only brought an innovation in children?s literature but also entertained readers from all level successfully regardless of age. ?Feluder Goendagiri? (Investigation of Feluda) is the first story of Feluda?s career. This story begins at Darjeeling, the renowned hill area of Bengal. Feluda has come here with his cousin ?Topse? or ?Topesh Ranjan Bose? and his family. One day Topse informs him that someone named RajenBabu is in trouble as he has got a threatening letter. Topse has collected all these information while wondering around Mal, a popular place of Darjeeling. Later, this RajenBabu came out to be well known to Feluda. For the sake of past relationship, Feluda takes this case to investigate.RajenBabu is a retired advocate who has settled in Darjeeling for the last ten years. Recently he has rented a room in his house to TinkariBabu who has come there for change. RajenBabu has great interest in antique shopping. This hobby has related him to Mr. Abanimohan Ghosal who is also an antique admirer. However, he is a rich businessperson by profession. Besides all these personnel, there is another one who is a doctor, named Foni Mittir. Though from professional aspect RajenBabu is a successful man, yet in family life contentment never came. He had lost his wife on the fourth year of their marriage and his only son Probir Majumdar left home having a break up with his father almost sixteen years ago. But now RajenBabu is leading a quiet peaceful life alone. The letter he has received threatens him to be ready for punishment. Moreover, the letter is strangely written.Thus, it becomes a quiet tough job for Feluda to identify the culprit behind the sin. Through his investigation lots of stunning truth came out, any of which would have made a U-turn in the story. But, who has actually done it? Is it Mr. Ghosal who is greedy for the antique collection of RajenBabu or can Foni Mittir do it for his personal benefit? Well, for your kind information, dispelled son Probir Majumdar also takes a part in the story. Even TinkariBabu also found to have a different identity. Thus, everyone enlisted his name in the suspect list one by one. Meanwhile, RajenBabu is attacked in his bungalow. By whom? Mystery increases more. Who is committing all these? Is it a revenge of any incident of long past? Can it be only a practical joke? The ultimate question arrives here: can Feluda break through all these mystery and reveal the truth? To have all these answers you must read the story ?Feluder Goendagiri?. Now its Bengali version is available online also. You can get it from the website on Satyajit Ray www.worldofray.com . Enjoy.

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