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The Year Of Magical Thinking
(Joan Didion)

Didion's mourning follows a traditional arc?she describes just how precisely it cleaves to the medical descriptions of grief?but her elegant rendition of its stages leads to hard-won insight, particularly into the aftereffects of marriage. "Marriage is not only time: it is also, paradoxically, the denial of time. For forty years I saw myself through John's eyes. I did not age." In a sense, all of Didion's fiction, with its themes of loss and bereavement, served as preparation for the writing of this memoir, and there is occasionally a curious hint of repetition, despite the immediacy and intimacy of the subject matter. Still, this is an indispensable addition to Didion's body of work and a lyrical, disciplined entry in the annals of mourning literature.

Resumos Relacionados

- Year Of Migical Thinking

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- Why Some Marriages Fail

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