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The Relic
(Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child)

Relic by Douglas Preston and Lincoln is an amazing book. It is about Margo Green, a curator at the Museum of Natural History, and her mission to discover what is killing people in the museum. A statue of Mbwun, a god of the Kothoga tribe in the Amazon Basin, was discovered by an expedition in 1987 and was brought back to the United States to be catalogued and included in the Museum of Natural History. However, the statue was never catalogued and was put in the basement for another time. But when horrendous murders began to occur, Margo Green along with her friend and an FBI agent who had investigated similar murders, they go into the vast catacombs under the museum to find the culprit for these murders. This is an amazing book by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child with an amazing climax and a huge twist in the end. It was awesome, and one of the best books I have ever read.

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