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(Anne Rice)

This is a book is a fabulous read, very atmospheric and a real page turner. I could hardly put it down. It is about a female artist who longs to pursue her art, but because of responsibilities, a sick father, an ill child, an alcoholic mother, younger sisters who depend on her, and finally a husband who dies of AIDS, she spends her whole life putting aside her yearning to be a musician, always longing, always feeling guilty that she should have done more for the people who depended on her. When her husband dies of AIDS, a violinist out of the past comes to her and tries to give her a final chance. He gave his life for his art, and he is there to teach her the sacrifices she must make to become a great artist. Because she is no longer young and cannot go through the years of rigorous training that she needs, she steals his violin and takes on the ghost's power and talent and becomes famous. He, of course, having made the ultimate sacrifice for his own talent eventually wants his violin back, and when she feels strong enough she returns it to him, and then wonders if she still has the power and the talent to enthrall with her art. This is about female guilt when women are torn between their duties and their pursuit of art, each demand being as strong as the other. It's a wonderful book. And Triana finally wins the struggle in her 50s, even when the ghosts from her past come to beg and plead and accuse her of being selfish. It was a FABULOUS read!

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