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Rosemary's Baby
(Ira Levin)

Before The Exorcist and before The Omen came Ira Levin?s classic novel Rosemary?s Baby. It was the first in its genre and its portrayal of modern witchcraft and Satan worship provided inspiration to countless writers in the occult?crazed 1970s. It is still an iconic work.A young couple planning to start a family move into The Bramford, a famous old apartment building with an unpleasant reputation for murder, witchcraft and suicide. Guy Woodhouse is an ambitious young actor and Rosemary his naïve and trusting wife. They befriend their elderly, eccentric neighbours, Minnie and Roman Castevet. The Woodhouses are happy for a time. Guy?s career as an actor reaches new heights of success. After a night of wild lovemaking Rosemary, to her great delight, becomes pregnant. At first, she is pleased with the constant interest and attention she receives from the Castevets and their friends. However, she is in constant pain throughout her pregnancy and becomes uneasy and suspicious when Guy spends more and more of his time with the Castevets. With help from her godfather, Hutch, Rosemary learns that the Castevets are worshippers of Satan and that Guy has joined them to further his acting career. She becomes convinced that they will steal her newborn baby to use in their bloody rituals.When Hutch dies mysteriously, Rosemary realizes that she is completely alone and there is no one to whom she can turn for help. Gradually the avenues of escape are closed off to her. She is powerless to save herself and her unborn child.Rosemary gives birth to her baby in The Bramford under the watchful eye of Minnie Castevet. In the closing pages, Rosemary is confronted with the final shocking truth. Rosemary?s baby will not be sacrificed in a ritual. He is Satan?s son, Adrian and Rosemary is his mother.Rosemary?s Baby does not contain the blood and gore of its successors in this literary genre. But by the very ?ordinariness? of its setting and heroine, it manages to impart a chilling sense of horror and the belief that maybe, just maybe, the unbelievable could happen.

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