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The Foretelling
(Alice Hoffman)

It is the story of a girl who was born to be Queen. A fictional writing set in Ancient Amazonian times, the Foretelling tells the story of a young girl as she grows to be a woman, it portrays a fascinating glance into the lives of the warrior women of legend of solong ago, from how they raised their children and the clothes they wore to the many festivals and the way they reproduced in an all woman society. It takes a look into the way the Amazon woman thought from men to war. It was an amazing story one I would read again and again. The Foretelling is an extremely quick read but delightful until the very end and even then you will wonder what happens next. Alice Hoffman is a brilliant writer and this just alludes to her quick vision and amazing wit. She tried to relate how life would have been for the Amazonian women, would they fight all the time or would they be more of a peace loving race? The way they look on life is amazing, the book is a testament to all that is good and beautiful and shows the Female in a different light. No longer weak and cowering, The Fortelling shows how strong and fierce women can be.

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