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(Dr.Satish Goel)

NaturopathyNaturopathy means healing by letting nature take its own course. It means living with nature or following its trends. Vincenz Priestnitz is believed to be the Father of Naturopathy. Following him many illustrious doctors and Physicians joined the movement. They found that the best way to deal with chronic illness was to strengthen the resistance of the body so that it could throw out the poisons accumulated in it due to wrong way of life.The fundamental belief of naturopathy is the presence of the Vital force in a human body. It is the Vital force which keeps one alive and acts as a protector against the onslaught of all diseases. The naturopathy believes that the human body derives the strength from nature. Any imbalance between the forces active in a human body and the forces active in nature results in sickness and diseases. Another fundamental belief is the presence of germs in a human body is merely a symptom of a diseases and not its cause. Bacteria are born when the body is afflicted. Naturopathy maintain that it is vital force in the body which fights the bacteria which need a breeding ground. Hence the vital force of the human body has to be augmented to make one live well, in a robust health.To maintain the equilibrium of the said forces, one has to follow some simple rules with regard to sleep, rest, fresh air, sunlight and clean habits.Among these factors foremost importance is given to sleep. It not only gives sure ease from fatigue, but also replenishes the source of energy. The expenditure of energy during sleep is minimal.After sleep, the Sunlight is what you need most. The sun is the source of light and energy to nature; naturally it also nourishes the human body and makes it strong. In naturopathy Sunbath is of vital importance. With just minimum clothing let your body soak the effect of sunlight. Don?t wipe the sweat after a sun bath. Let it dry normally. If you are unable to take normal bath regularly, it is better you do regular sponging of the body.And like sunlight, fresh and clean air is another source to vitalize a human body. One must keep one?s living and sleeping rooms well ventilated so that the fresh air comes into contact with the body all the time. All physical exercises, yoga etc. are the techniques to make your body breath in more fresh air. Another essential requirement of human body is clean water. It is the cheapest and best cleaning agent. Drink it as much as you can. Drinking water an hour before and one hour after the meals helps the system to digest food efficiently.According to naturopathic principles the best food is one which is taken in the form in which nature provides it. Germinated cereals are an ideal food. A normal adult must consume at least 250 gms of salad per day. You may add lemon-juice and a little of salt in your salad to make it more tasty and palatable. The main constituents of salad can be cucumber, carrots, radish, onion, tomatoes, beetroot and cabbage. Keep the interval between two meals to be a minimum five hours or more. Have your last meal at least three hours before you retire for the day and go to sleep. Always chew your food as much as possible before swallowing it. An ancient belief of the old physicians of India ? is to chew food at least 32 times, one chewing for each tooth.Fasting is one of the most potent factors in naturopathic cure. The main purpose of the fasting is to cleanse the body of all the refuse, hence poison. The period of fasting depends on many factors; the problem, your own age, weight and the like. When you do fasting for a day, have only water throughout the first day. The normal intake of water should be round 2.5 liters of clean water with a few drops of lemon. Then on the second day you can have a diet of very light soup, boiled vegetables and light fruits. Only from the third day, you can have your normal food.Another important activity is to take hot bath of the feet, take a bucket full of hot water and immerse your legs up to knee in it. Make sure the water is not too hot or just lukewarm. Take the hot bath for about 20 mts. Go on sipping hot water during the session of your feet bath. You can have your normal bath after you have had your hot ? feet bath. Try to do normal bathing as regularly as possible. Don?t stand in a very cool place the moment you step out of hot bath.It is essential that your bowels must remain clean. For that taking an enema is a must. The water for the enema should be lukewarm and quantity about 1 to 1.5 liters.This pocket book discusses specific methods of treatment for digestive disorders, Fevers, Respiratory Disorders, Skin trouble, Heart Ailments, Disorders connected with Blood and its circulation, Nervous disorders, Sexual disorders also.

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