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Analysis of the work is "The Metamorfose" of Franz Kafka, correlating with Existentialism.
(Carina Zanetti)

A reading of the work "Metamorfose" by Franz Kafka is extremely current, which despite having been written in 1912, in the context of the historic moment of the crisis "Bélle Époque" before the First World War, Kafka is in the midst of a crisis existential , religious and rational, could be called a crisis of Modernity. In this book, is the obvious despair of being, the pessimism with regard to the future, the lack of answers to the simplest and most profound. Finally, "The Metamorfose" is a work aggressively, truthfully, mordaz and, above all, redemption of values and principles. [BR] The metamorphosis of the clerk-traveler Gregor Samsa

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