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(William Shakespeare- taken from Three Shakespeare Tragedies-by E.F.DODD)

Abstract No.4 ? Othelo ? By William Shakespeare Othello?s marrying to Desdemona was not accepted by later?s father Brabantioo. He suspected this marriage being performed by foul means and tricks. Desdomona convinced her father and ultimately this marriage was approved by Brabantio, but he never entertained the idea of taking his daughter back to his home. Othello, had to travel to settle the Turkish attack. Desdemona took the decision to accompany him .Ohello, could not take her along in his ship. He entrusted her trip in the next ship in the companies of Iago and his wife Emilla . Isgo had set his eyes on Desdemona. Their ship reached before Othello. Iago with the help of Roderigo tried to establish that Desdemona was not loyal to her husband, as she had affairs with Cassio. Iago succeeded in his conspiracy . He saw the seeds of suspicion in the mind of Othello .He was treated as trustworthy and best friend by Othello By using his friendship and trust .Initiating his plan, he had taken possession of Desdemona?s handkerchief for planting the same in Cassio?s room .He had successfully accomplished his aim . He reached the news to the ears of Othello that his wife had given away the handkerchief to Cassio in token of love for him .. Othello could never believe . But Iago?s information had createf a dopubt in his mind . With a view to clear his doubt, he appealed Desdemona to produce the handkerchief . Desdemona could not produce the same. She had a fear that it was lost some where .Othello would never believe and her fidality was questioned by her husband .asked for the handkerchief which Desdemona failed to produce. This increased his doubt about her fidality. Still not being convinced, he continued to praise her love towards him. in presence of Iago . But he had succeeded enough to poison Ohello?s mind against Cassio and Desdemona?s romantic association. As directed Othello, hided himself behind the bushes in a garden. Othollo saw his wife talking to Casio, but unable to hear their conversation . This had enhanced his hatred towards his wife. On the other hand, Othello had to face some disturbing news on the political field. Desdemona?s father, made him to give up Cyprus Command in the hands of Cassio and return to Vennice. He was totally finished and had no faith in any human beings Iago attempted to kill Cassio with a fear that his plan would be disclosed by him. Cassio was wounded badly . Failure in his plan made him to kill Roderigo, who might betray his secret and invite the trouble for him in future. Desdemona, pleaded her innocence in front of her husband. But he was so drunken with the poison of doubt that he never believed his wife a bit .He never paused for a minute or ready to listen any of the explanation from his wife. He killed his wife, out of rage. Emilia, the wife of traitor Iago rushed to the scene and revealed that it was her husband who brought all the tragedies to their life. Iago, too killed his wife Emillia. She died with a confession that Desdemona was innocent, sacred and loved Othello a lot . He found his life miserable .He had no intention to live. He took out a sword and ended his life by stabbing himself . 0000000

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