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Wicked Women Of The Raj
(Coralie Younger)

History is not always what we read in school. There is more to history that we skip and one such a chance to cope up with the ignored history of India is the enthralling book by Coralie Younger.Wicked Women of the Raj: 254 pages of days past that would pass off as unbelievably exotic tales of romance, lust, greed, sacrifice, deceit and regret. This is only a part of what you might get from this enthralling accounts of the lives of 20 white women who were married to Indian Princes.Set in the days of the British rule in India, all stories in this book are about foreign women married into the erstwhile Indian royal families. It is about what made Indian Princes to marry outside their race; how the ?firangi Bahus (foreign daughter-in-laws)? were treated in an alien land and how these women lavished in the untold bounty of Indian Royal wealth.20 white women of the European continent out to become princesses and lead a fairy talelife. But did their life become the fairy tale they dreamt of? The saga does not end always in a fairy tale manner. For Coralie Younger also reveals the untold miseries of these women in foreign countries, among foreign customs and even more so, among foreign and hostile relatives of the princes they were married to, for whom these foreigners were unwelcome in the ?zenana? of the Royal household..Tales of adultery, murder, love loss, reconciliations, true love and separation are all encompassed into this one book that makes it an interesting reading for students of history, women studies as well as pure romantics.The book consists of 20 chapters. Each chapter is a story of a different lady married to an Indian Prince. And each of these can be read as short stories, if you wish.

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