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The Shadow
(Lone Tawseef)

The Shadow

Every day I used to go home and curse myself for being alone in this world of more than 6 billion souls, cursed myself that God hath not even bore a single friend unto thee which I could turn to until I saw this dream.
It was as usual, after a long shower I went to sleep and was not able to sleep, but suddenly the blanket of slumber took my eyes and slowly I slipped unto the lap of darkness. After a while I saw myself in a dark strange world, hot as hell and cold as death, the trees were burning like hot charcoal and snow was covering thee earth. I was all alone in this strange jungle which didn?t look to be familiar. Never ever had I thought of this place in all my existence, it looked to me as if I was standing in front of a large firmament and it was the beginning of something.
With fear in my heart and shaking hands, precipitating body, and trembling legs, I managed to walk and look around, the sun was blazing hot in the horizon and moon was just on my head. I thought I had walked ages on this dust and with every moment passing I could see the darkness engulf the whole area and everything my eyes were seeing started to change, and slowly everything turned cold and silent.
I was feeling my heart beat faster, my sweat drip on my forehead, and my fear was shaking the very foundations of my soul and I was just praying to Almighty to just give me a single soul to talk to. With lots of questions like is this hell, or just a bad dream, I inched forward and all along I could feel someone some chasing me, I could hear his foot steps, but when I turned to look around I found none and this was scaring me more, the thought of being chased by someone invisible in this strange world.
Now it was pitch dark and I could see none but feel the heat of burning trees and the darkness. Suddenly I saw in front of me an old man, worn out by age and bent by time, my heart jumped with joy and all my fears were gone. I approached him and asked ?Sir, what is thy name??, he did not reply, just raised his old eyes sunken deep into the sockets, as if they had been waiting for someone for long. I again asked him ? Sir, what are you doing in this place?, I am lost here and I do not belong to this place?, a smile flashed on this dry lips which seemed like a piece of land which had never seen a drop of rain, and with a broken voice replied, ?you belong here, we all belong here?. He gasped for breath and spoke again, ?I have been here for ages and you are not happy to see me but are happy for yourself, as you feel fear and need someone?. With this he left me alone and disappeared in the darkness. Fear again griped my soul and suddenly I could hear some one calling my name and I turned back to see in every corner my eyes permitted me to see, but I found none. Then I heard this ?fear is within you and this makes you forget you have a friend which has been with you all along and you ignored him?, I was confused, shaking and scared but I gathered all my strength and asked back ?who is it that is with me yet I can not see him?? I heard laughter,? Your Shadow? he replied.
?My Shadow, but I can not see him?? I asked back, ?Ha! Ha! Ha! you can?t see cause you are ignorant and forget to look around & feel the blessings you have got, instead you curse yourself for what you have not got? ?what, but I can not see him here, he left me when it turned dark? I insisted with shaking strength, ?what he left you,? he roared back, ?you never looked for him in darkness, you were so afraid and scared that you never thought about him, though he was all along with you, open your eyes and you will see him?
And suddenly my eyes opened and I saw just next to me, my SHADOW emerge. My shadow my friend?which never left me alone.

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