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(Jerson Spider)

THE GOLD OF EQUITY AMAZÔNIA Known as the city of guarana-more fruit grown in the region since its first inhabitants, the Indians maués and mundurucus - Maués has 40,296 km ² and approximately 41,082 people (64% of them are in rural areas and 36%, in urban). The city produces every year, 300 tonnes of guarana (300 one thousand kilos of guarana roasted), and has 6,125 independent producers. Since 1972, the refrigerant of AmBev acquires its seeds in the municipality, which develops the technology of cultivation and promotes social activities. Located 250 kilometers from Manaus, the Amazon near the border with the Pará, the municipality of Maués is considered the land of guarana. For more than 50 years, the AmBev-Companhia de Bebidas das Américas - is present in the region and today acquires 100% of guarana seed of the Amazon to produce the Guarana Antarctica. Of these seeds, 80% are from Maués. Because of this enduring relationship with the region, the company chose this city to invest in research on the guarana and programs of social development. In addition to purchasing seeds in Maués, AmBev implemented in the city Fazenda Santa Helena, the center''s development guarana, which maintains the largest bank of germplasm in the world. The company also shares with local producers its technological advances on the guaranazeiro. In a day of field, which occurs every year, the search AmBev give their knowledge about the planting of fruit, as the spacing of seedlings, the use of the fertilizer so. The Project Maués, newly launched in the region and created from a partnership with the City of AmBev of Maués, consists of four programs (deployment of poles, renewal and expansion of guaranazais, supply of seedlings and support the development of the poultry) with the goal of achieving in three years a production of guaranazeiros eight times bigger than the current one. Moreover, in the social area, AmBev deployed to the council the Solidarity Literacy, which has already taught to read and write about 200 farmers.

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