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Review The Great Places

The Giant Statue on the Shore

In Egypt, there is a statue so big that eight men can sit on one of its feet. It is one the giant statues of King Ramses the 2nd
that stands outside two temples. When the Egyptians decided to build a new high dam across the Nile, it meant that the river waters rising behind the dam would flood the temples. The temples and the statues had to be cut into many huge blocks. Each block was numbered and raised to the top of the cliff. The numbers helped the workers to know how to put the blocks back together again. The cliff where the temples were first built is now covered with water.

The Great Stone Tent

To build the pyramid they didn?t use cranes or bulldozers, they used wooden ramps. Each stone weighed as much as four cows. How did the men lift these stones to the top of the pyramid? Maybe the men pulled the giant stones up a ramp on sled. These pyramids took twenty years to build. (Today it only would take one to build a pyramid.) Today the Great Pyramid still stands in Egypt. People from all over the world still come to see this Great Pyramid.

The Nile River Valley

The Nile is the largest river in Africa and the largest river in the world. It flows north into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile floods every year, so over the years the Egyptians began to be able to predict when the Nile River would overflow. When the Nile floods the Egyptians get a surplus of food and crops. The Nile flows about 6,677 km. Through Africa. The river has been used for irrigation since 4000 BC.

The Euphrates River

The Euphrates is the longest river in Western Asia. It is 1,700 miles long. Because of Iraq?s hot ,dry climate much of the rivers water is lost through evaporation and used for irrigation. There are two flood peirods each year. The rivers carry a heavy load of silt and have deposited much of it. The major tributaries of the Euphrates are the Balikh, Al Khabur , and Gharraf Channel.

The Tigris River

The streams that join to form the Tigris River begin in high mountains near Lake Van in Turkey. As the Tigris River flows out of Turkey it touches the northeastern border of Syria and flows southeastward toward Iraq. In Iraq it is joined by tributaries from the east. These tributaries are Great Zab , Little Zab , and Diyala. The Euphrates, west of the Tigris flows in the same direction toward the Persian Gulf. The Tigris is 1,880 miles long. The fertile region between the Euphrates and the Tigris is called Mesopotamia, this was named by the Ancient Greeks. Since ancient times the people of Mesopotamia have depended on the water of the two rivers to irrigate their hot and dry land. The Persian Gulf is filled with about 70 feet of water a year from the Tigris and the Euphrates River.

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