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The Stand
(Stephen King)

I don't know exactly how many people can boast having read a book over one thousand pages long. It's quite the test mind you, if anything for the simple fact that content aside, the plot in most cases would be very hard to follow. Harder still in the eyes of many people would be the concept of a story of such length revolving around a killer epidemic that takes America by storm, killing off the majority of the country, leaving only a handful of individuals to represent the remainder of human life standing against an evil force trying to put its own stamp on a new way of life so to speak - one that for all intents and purposes is not meant for the human race. Stephen King is a master in his craft, and his work in this book in particular demonstrates that. Very few are capable of the things that King can do. His character development is second to none while his plot structure throughout the course of the book is rivalled by few. Simply put, one can label it as the battle of good versus evil and the representation of the insuing struggle between Abigail Freemantle and Randall Flagg demonstrates this to the greatest degree. While there are other supporting characters who play key supporting roles in the development of the story over its course, it is these two characters who have the most to do with the eventual outcome once the dust settles. And, in the case of Mother Abigail, as she is more lovingly referred to on a regular basis in the book is the fact that she is introduced into the plot on a more mainstream basis once the plot has already been forwarded considerably. At first, she is the vision that the remaining survivors are meant to follow until they indeed do find their way to her, after which the plot takes on yet another turn towards its final destination, so to speak. Understanding of all the parts of King's writing is essential to understanding why events occur as they do, and why the outcome in the end comes about in the manner it does. Mind you, there are so many twists in the plot itself, as is King's specialty that one really has to pay attention in order to be able to connect everything together for the purposes of making sense of any sort of final analysis where the work is concerned. It is by far considered to be one of the author's best ever works, and for those who know his work well, it is understood why.

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