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Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince

ABSTRACT ? J.K. ROWLING ? HARRY PORTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE (2005) Bloomsbury Books. The sixth Harry Potter Novel, and the darkest of the series to date. Voldermort?s allies are stepping up on their attempts on Harry?s life, so Professor Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogworts wearing school, takes an unusually personal interest in Harry?s welfare. Since the first book, Dumbledore has been a fairly quiet background figure with indications of near god like power that outclasses all the other wizards. Harry now also finds that his least favourite teacher, Snape, is being more horrible than ever. Worse, Harry is beaten to a pulp and has his arm broken by Draco Malfoy, the bully who has chased after him since book one. http://www.shvoong.com/books/408669-harry-potter-philospher-s-stone/) this is cured quickly with magic of course. Hogworts is not a happy place, and in fact it quickly comes under siege as the Death eaters attack the friends of Harry potter. Harry himself is whisked away on a mission with Dumbledore to liberate a magical amulet, the first of several, which have been enchanted by Harry?s Mother and Father before their death at the hands of Voldermort himself. The amulet is hidden on an island protected by zombies, and Dumbledore is not in the best of health, but he and Harry get the amulet, and return by magic to Hogworts to join in the near civil war. The story now becomes truly shocking. Snape seems to be leading the invading Death eaters, and he personally kills Dumbledore, much to the shock of both Harry and Draco Malfoy who sees that things have gone beyond mere bullying. As the school is plunged into mourning by the death of its beloved head master, Harry vows to skip his final year at school to find the other protective amulets and avenge himself on Snape and Voldermort. His allies, Hermione, and Ron Weasley, vow to help him. The scene is set for the final book in the astonishing saga that has reawakened many children, and adults to the joys of reading.

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