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Time Management Is A Pre-requisite...

Time Management is a pre-requisite?Time Management for College Students:

we all know the sound that is very familiar to us: tick, tick, and tick. No, it?s not the sound of our favorite movie coming on; it?s time moving on. College students often find that time is the hardest goal to conquer. Time isn?t really a goal. Finding time to complete our entire task is a goal. As a student there are some basic principals of time management that you can apply.
Identify the best time for studying. Everyone has high and low periods of attention and concentration. Are you a morning person or a night person? Use your power times for studying, especially if you have children. Use your down times for cleaning, laundry, and running errands. If you have a job like most of us do, make a slot in your day for studying.
Study difficult subjects first. When you are fresh, you can process information more quickly and save time as a result. You can also avoid falling asleep on the subjects you are not interested in. If you find yourself avoiding a particular subject, get up an hour early to study it before breakfast. With that chore out of the way, the rest of your day can be a breeze.
Make sure your surrounding is conductive to studying. This will allow you to reduce distraction, which can waste time. Use a regular study area. Your body and your mind know where you are. When you use the same place to study, day after day, your body and mind become trained. College libraries are designed for learning. So reading in college library gives a phenomenal growth in your day-to-day learning skills and also your unique way of presentation because of your free time reading library gives you a grip on your presentation and also your communicational skills. So make sure that you make a habit of referring books in library and make it your daily habituate in order to increase your study mindset?

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