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Motivation A Pre-requisite

Motivation is a pre-requisite...Motivation is defined as, ?the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior.? Motivation is key in personal life as well as the career world. Motivation in the work place is highly dependent on employers being able to understand the needs and wants of their employees. When employers can understand and satisfy an employee?s needs, the employee is more inclined to perform well in his position. ?The ranked order of motivating factors were: (a) interesting work, (b) good wages, (c) full appreciation of work done, (d) job security, (e) good working conditions, (f) promotions and growth in the organization, (g) feeling of being in on things, (h) personal loyalty to employees, (i) tactful discipline, and (j) sympathetic help with personal problems.? (Accel-Team) In order to achieve all or some of these key-motivating factors in the work place, an employee generally will want interesting work, good wages, and recognition from superiors and peers.
Interesting work is most important to employees. Surprisingly it beat salary as a motivating factor. The easiest way to find out what stimulates and inspires an employee to do his best is to simply ask the employee what his interests are and what he enjoys doing. A superior can then take that into consideration when the right assignment for that person comes along. Employers should think long term when hiring an employee in the sense that they need to see the employee?s motivation a...Thus a motivated student and a smart student are not categorically equivalent. While the correlation between intelligence and achievement is higher than the correlation between achievement and any other factor, the relationship is not perfect. For instance, 10 students with identical IQs will demonstrate variability in achievement on similar and dissimilar learning tasks (Andrews, 2003).
Motivation is one of the primary causes of the range of scores. Thus, it is logical to conclude that in order to maximize a student?s potential, and in turn the educational experience, a student must be motivated. With the knowledge that motivation must precede success, it is clear that those in charge of educational planning should attempt to maximize motivation with the forthcoming... So I am perfect about it and you? Ajay?.

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