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Friends And Their Friendship.
(Aarti;R; Kumar)

Friends and their Friendship..

A friend is a 'gift' our heart treasures and understands us and shares our feelings. Friendship is an in-depth relationship, comfortable and relaxed. It only requires meeting the needs of both friends. Building friendships takes time and require self-disclosure so any friendship has risks, talking and listening builds friendships and require equality and loyalty from friends. Friendships may not last but can lose importance and die gradually. Some friendships end abruptly with unresolved conflict. The worst enemy of friendships is change by one or both friends. There is usually pain with the loss of friendship. Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience) dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.Friendship isn't always easily described. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.There is comfort in friendship, and peace in understanding. A true friendship that lasts throughout the years is rare indeed, and to be treasured as a priceless gift. A blessed one you are to have so many friends but think of what you're saying...A friend is just not someone to whom you say "Hello" A friend is a tender shoulder on which to softly cry, a well to pour your troubles down and raise your spirits high, a friend is a hand to pull you up from darkness and despair...when all your other "so called" friends have helped to put you there. A true friend is an ally who can't be moved or bought, a voice to keep your name alive when others have forgot but most of all a friend has a true heart for from the hearts of friends from where comes the greatest love of all! So think about all this for every word is true and once again answer please... How many friends have you? I really only have just one. A friend is always special because Friends love you just because you're you!
Above all I learn one may die, but friendship and love never die.

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