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Adrian Mole And The Weapons Of Mass Destruction
(Sue Townsend)

Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction
Book by Sue Townsend
Penguin Books 2005
$18.00 Pages 460

For anyone who?s ever had an embarrassing moment in
their lives, had trouble with the government, tried to
get rid of a lover that border lined on stalking you,
then this book is a gentle reminder that there is
always someone out there who has it so much worse then
you that it?s funny.

Adrian Mole is a thirty-five year old aspiring writer
with a knack for humiliating himself, and the book of
Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction is not
so much a book as it is the journal he keeps. With one
entry every day, aside from those few days he was too
sick to write, he somehow always seems to find ways to
make you laugh at even the most basic of troubles.

From forgetting his youngest son?s birthday, to
dealing with that killer swan that lives outside of
his apartment, you almost forget that those are just
the subplots in his life and the real stuff is that
much better and so much funnier.

The Weapons of Mass Destruction is the sixth book in
the Adrian Mole series, which began when he was only
13 and ¾, but like all of my favorite series books,
this one doesn?t require that you go back and read the
first five to understand what?s going on. Pick it up
anywhere, anytime, and you're all set for a good time.

The journal is written during the year that Adrian?s
eldest son, Glenn Bott-Mole, goes off to war, but the
author manages to keep that subplot just below the
surface, coming up for air only once in a while, until
the last few pages (I say pages and not chapters
because there are no chapters) so that I might fully
enjoy my funny novel without becoming too depressed
over current events, and still be reminded that there
are soldiers at war, and the last page explains with a
poem why no one should forget them.

Salute to Adrian Mole!

Resumos Relacionados

- The Growing Pains Of Adrian Mole

- Adrian Mole And The Weapons Of Mass Destruction

- Adrian Mole- The Cappuccino Years

- Das Geheime Tagebuch Des Adrian Moile

- Das Geheime Tagebuch Des Adrian Moile

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