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With their new book ?I PLAY OF APPOINTMENTS? (DATING GAME), the writer DANIELLE STEEL, with its characteristic style of its exquisite narrative, takes us a world of facts that will seem for many to live that it won't happen in its lives. PARIS is going by the happiest moments in its life. Married with PETER, with who has two children MEG and WIM. She is a perfect housewife and in their matrimonial trajectory she doesn't have anything to complain. It is beautiful, active, blinding, of a nonpareil beauty and until it seemed that for her the years don't pass, surrounded of the affection of his and with an excellent economic position. One day anyone seems that that circle in that it is unwrapped has an it breaks, it suffers the most terrible in the earthquakes, she cracks totally as if she took in its hands a cookie and it threshed it. PETER, after some rodeos tells her that: "He wants that her of the divorce that the marriage of them was already and that he doesn't have anything to reproach her, simply that he is in love with another woman, RACHEL, with who leaves to live?? that has other experiences with her, other expectations, leaving PARIS in the darkest world of queries without answer that they take it to fall in a deep depression. Alone in the hall of the desert, she knows that, for the good of their children, it should leave ahead, but he finds much more difficult of what tries to imagine. It is able to find work in a catering company, belonging to Bix that lives in couple with their second man, but to her that is question of own decisions and it accepts the homosexuality like something natural in many people. With the purpose of redoing their affective life, they appear one that another APPOINTMENT with men of the most diverse social benches, but he/she discovers that all seek to go to the bed with her and nothing else. Alcoholic, bohemian and other more they come closer and some achieve their objective and they leave. A good day she has an APPOINTMENT with a French of which falls in love and he finds that all this defined one and although she cannot forget to PETER that will be father next to RACHEL, a romance she lives with the boy that says as her, he could be their son for the age difference, but JEAN-PIERRE abandons the United States and he returns to France. When you GIVE BIRTH TO she tries to communicate telephonically, she responds him a woman that says to be French's wife. Disappointed, used and deceived in their feelings, and after some time, she decides to concert an APPOINTMENT, the last one that imagines will have in their life and that she has hopes in that will be the most important of all. As always DANIELLE STEEL maintains the reader to the vilo until the same end of the novel that without place to doubts is another of its best seller that is a marvel to intrude in each one of its pages. NORHUBO

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