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Best Practice In Vocabulary Teaching And Learning - Part3
(Paul Nation)

here -> fluency = - making best use of what u already knowfluency development task -> no new items!!!-> it should deal with largely familiar content & discourse types, it should include repetitions -> why? -> to improve speed & smoothness of delivery& it should include some encouragement to perform faster than normaly.Fluency task = usually MEANING FOCUSED TASKS!!!!
** There r some vocab items that must be ;earned to very high degree of fluency as quickly as possible.( to be readily accesed when needed) e.g.- numbers-polite formulas-items for controling lang use ( to ask sb to repeat, speak more slowly etc. )-times-quantities etc.
*** what learning conditions favor development of fluency??
1.ss should work with familiar lang items, vocab, ideas, tasks.2.ss should focus on message
3.ss should be encouraged to reach higher than usual level of performance . how? by use of -> repetitions, time pressure, planning, preparation.----
repetition & focus on message may work against each other ( the more repeated the less message focused)so what to do? - to balance it all by giving new but similar material, reducing time, a new audience, increasing complexity.( first- nr dictation, prepared talks , interviews.. are perfect. but later - retelling tasks...)

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