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Snowed In
(Christina Bartolomeo)

Meet Sophie Quinn. Thirty-four year old freelancer, creative soul, one of those very unassertive type who hides chocolates in every draw and corner of her freezing cold apartment.Imagine yourself being suddenly stuck in Portland, Maine after living in cosmopolitan Washington D.C. Your one year old marriage seems to be as cold as the winter that everyone talks about. Your husband has his eyes hooked on an office superwoman and your mother-in-law makes sure you know how incompetent housewife you are. On top of that you still feel for that guy who married someone else.That's Sophie, she tries to get her life back on track and find her place in that very alienating community of Portland. One fine day life throws in her arms whole load of opportunities and gives her another chance for happiness. And maybe true love is still just around the corner...For every one of us woman, who has ever had to deal with the landlord about apartment which is falling apart, for us who dream about Cinderella's shoes in the mid of winter of the century, for us who need a little bit of colours while we cook our dinner. Snowed In will make you laugh, cry and cheer for Sophie Quinn.

Resumos Relacionados

- Sophie's Choice

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- Sophie's World

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