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From A Buick 8
(Stephen King)

Why did Bradley Roach drive once more completely drunk?What in hell did agent Curtis Wilcox do behind the truck he drove so long after?And why did the first one finaly end its race into the second one on the criminals vehicle?When Ned joined Company D, his only will was to bepart his dead father's colleagues.To know what he really died of, what he was doing of the part of his life he didn't spend among his family, to understand what took his father away.When the ancients decide to talk to him, after he had been under a great choc, during a cigarette break on a bank in the courtyard facing Hangar B, he was far from imagining what he was about to learn.One after the other the policemen will tell him the incredible story of the Company, of his father, of the Buick...The Buick parked for all these years in hangar B, far from curious eyes, far from men,... but maybe not far enough thaugh.The same Buick that Bradley Roach, the same guy who will take his father away, once declared abandonned on the yard of the tank station he was working in.According to him, the man in black asked him to tank, asked where were the toilets and disappeared, certainly to drown into the lake, leaving his weird car behind.And it's a weard car indeed.First of all, and even if it really looks like one, it is far from being a Buick, and even less of being a Buick 8.Every car lover could tell!Half of the pieces are lacking, and the other half is fake, it is weird that the car even got till there driving.Anyway, Bradley Roach is convinced of what he says... But maybe did he already drink to much at that time?So, the Company D will park the car in Hangar B, because it is too weird to be shown, and will bring its amount of curious, and of problems.When Ennis Raferty disappears, rumours enlarge, but the Company knows that the buick is no stranger to the fact.It auto-regenerates, throws out luminous flashes, makes wacky noises.And above everything else it gives the creeps!Of all the guys of the Company, Curtis Wilcox was the one whoshowed the most interrest in the mystery surrounding the car.And what a mystery!I can't go on telling you without spoiling the pleasure you'll take reading by yourself what this thing from another space is giving birth to.In this story, King comes back to supranatural, to aliens and magic cars.A blink of the eye to Christine, The Tommyknockers, Dreamcatcher.Well written, in a narrative way, alterning characters and memories.Punctuated with long descriptions, like the author got us used to, it's a really interresting book,well thaughtand breathtaking.

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