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(George Bernard Shaw)

Imagine, you are a writer & you use your medium to preach, can you be entertaining at the same time? Impossible, no but you have to be damn good at your art. This is what George Bernard Shaw is.It is sheer genius which transformed ?Pygmalion?, an overtly didactic play into a universal and perennial favourite.The story boasts of memorable characters, be it Henry Higgins-a ?motorbus? with no human feelings- or, Eliza Doolittle- an ugly duckling who evolves into a swan. Not to forget Colonel Pickering- a companiable foil to Higgins?s cold self, & finally there is Alfred Doolittle- the father of the motherless girl, however nothing like the conventional papa.Even minor characters manage to hold their own. They are highly entertaining & with their follies and triumphs become the mouthpiece of the dramatist & thus help to propagate his Shavian ideas.

Resumos Relacionados

- My Fair Lady

- Pygmalion

- Pygmalion

- Pygmalion

- Pygmalion

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