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So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
(Douglas Adams)

Arthur had made it. Back to the Earth he'd thought gone forever. Instead of rubble he found Earth orbiting the Sun, leaving him puzzled and relieved in the night rain as the spaceship ascended into the night clouds. As Arthur Dentmade his soggy way back to his own little home he began ther next peculiar stage of his journey through the wierdness of life in a largely-alien galaxy.Now he was back onEarth, his beloved home world. Far from the strangeness out there behin the atmosphere. A long, long way from the bizarre things that can happen to you out there in the Galaxy. Or so he thought. Things were fine. For a little while, as he tried to piece his life back together. Until he became caught up in the odd train of coincidences the showed him that life was never going to be simple again, even though he was back on Earth. The strangeness of the universe up there had followed him home and was even waiting for him when he arrived. It built slowly and easily until he was smack bang in the middle of the inexplicible workings of chance, fate, destiny and strangeness. It all had to do with the dolphins, Fenchurch and flying. He'd learnt the tricky art of flying out there in the galaxy and could even understand bird talk, which he found boring. Fenchurch was caught up in the wierdness of Arthur's life in a wierdness all of her own and Arthur was able to shed some light on her own experiences in a way that made her happy.She could stop believing she was barking mad. Arhtur taught her to fly and their story took them back into remote reaches of the galaxy to find God's last message to his creation. And so it goes. Read on.

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- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

- So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish

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