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(Kurt Vonnegut)

Slaughterhouse-Five tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, an average and rural amercian, about to become an optometrist, who ends up been sent to the World War II. There, he is made prisioner by the germans and, among other experiences, outlives the Dresden cannonade, where 135 people were dead. Outlive that attack would alreadt made Billy someone especial, but that's not everything. After the war, his life changes. Billy Pilgrim is abducted by aliens, with whom learns lessons about time and life, and becomes able to travel in time, revisiting his whole existence. In this book, the story doesn't follows and chronological order. Thus, depicts with an anxiously proximity the incapacity of one have a quiet life after experiencing the war. Kurt Vonnegut wrote more than a book about the war. Slaughterhouse-Five is an antiwar classic, an (wise) attempt of producing something deep from the memories of a massacre.

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