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The Witches
(Roald Dahl)

I was once told to write well you hace to write what you know, well this is what i know. Witchs ! what feelings and emotions come with hearing this particular word, fear, hate, lonleyness. What ever you assume or how ever witchs have been portrayed in the past whether in comedys or documentries or even comic strips we should all know the witchs mean bad news RIGHT? WRONG witchs were apart of our world long before any body characterize good or evil. But when you look at good or evil there is a fine line cause we all have a dark side an evil side other wise how would we know to be good. Its just as natursl to be bad as it is to be good thats how we can make the distinction to be good. This book doesn't not portray witchs in the right sense for todays standards witchs are widly accepted in our society today as they well should be. In it harm none do what you will a perfect motto for us all to live our own lives by don't you think

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