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Pride And Prejudice
(jane austen)

Elizabeth Bennet is an exciting and an intelligent woman.She is a young beautiful and an independent person who makes the important decisions of her life herself, unlike any of her five sisters.She also believes in having her own voice heard which makes her highly opiniated; but at the same time she is sensible, quick witted and extremely caring.
The story starts when Jane(elder sisiter of Lizzy) falls in love with an extremely wealthy bussinessman(Mr.Bingley) who moves into their neighbourhood recently, at the ball.It is also in the same ball that, Elizabeth meets Mr.Bingleys wealthy friend, the haughty,snobbish and the arrogant, Mr.Darcy.These are the feelings she experiences when he snubs her at the invitation to dance, by saying that she is not beautiful enough for him.
Meanwhile, the exuberant and the nonsensible Mrs.Bennet is trying to get her daughters married as soon as possible.But surprises occur and hearts are broken as Mr.Bingley sells his mansion at ' longbourn ' and moves to England along with his long-time friend, as her expectations of her eldest daughters marriage with Mr.Bingley are shattered.Jane also suffers a heartblow on this news and it is then that Elizabeth , as a loyal sister, comforts Jane and vows to find the real reason of Mr.Bingleys sudden departure from longbourn, considering that Mr.Bingley was so much interested in Jane.
More difficulties are to fall on Elizabeth as she tries to accomodate with her youger sisters' (kitty, lydia and mary) foolish desires to be married to the army offcers and her mother is being as tactless as ever.In the middle of all this chaos, Elizabeth also, turns down the offer of marriage to Mr.Collins (the family's state's heir) which turns Mrs.Bennet close to being crazy.Mr.Collins, however decides to marry one of Lizzy's friend and invites her entire family to come to their wedding in England.
As the entire Bennet family go to England to attend the wedding, they also come across Mr.Bingley and Mr.Darcy.Friendships start growing and Mrs.Bennet's lost hope of Jane's marriage to Mr.Bingley cant help but start to lift.Also in England, the Bennets' meet Mr.Collins' mistress, Lady Catherine De Bourgh who provides a great deal of humor in the novel apart from Mr.Collins himself.
After some time, Elizabeth is surprised when Mr.Darcy proposes to her, but she turns him down as she considers him to be responsible for her sister's tangled love-life and for the misfortunes that Mr.Wickham (a dear friend of Elizabeth) had encountered in his early years.but misunderstandings are cleared by a letter that Mr.Darcy gives to Elizabeth.
And later as the events unfold, young Elizabeth finds that a man can change his habbits and a lady her mind in this enchanting story of love, mutual understanding and marriage.

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