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I. Hosea
(The Bible)

Hosea is a unique book of the Bible. Its uniqueness is mainly due to the relevance that its context has with today's world culture. Often people do not relate to the Bible. They feel like it is talking about the events that happened long time ago, and people who lived long time ago. Moreover, people have such a hard time relating to the Bible because in contrast to the other historical novels, its heroes are good and moral. This can hardly be the true about the story of Hosea. Not that the prophet himself was not moral. Indeed he was a true man of God. But it was his wife that gets an interesting spotlight. You see Hosea's wife, Gomer, was not a moral woman. The scholars are still arguing whether she was just an immoral adulterous wife or whether she was a prostitute. However, after careful study of the text, most of the scholars agree that the woman was a prostitute. Now, you need to study for yourself. Let me add that the book of Hosea has an even more shocking twist to it at the very beginning. You see Hosea was not just a poor prophet who married a wrong woman. No, he married her obeying God's own command. This is how he actually starts his prophetic ministry. I can hear lots of shouts of disagreement and disgust. How could the most moral Being in the Universe, the Creator of light and life, tell someone to marry a prostitute? Moreover, this was not just a someone. This was a good moral man who wanted to serve the Lord, and that is how he started his serving ministry. Of course, our next question must be: what kind of ministry could this prophet have? I am going to tell you a very important one. You see, Hosea's name is the same with the name of Jesus. And if I had to summarize his ministry I would say it was the closest an Old Testament prophet has ever come to the ministry of Jesus Himself. You might shockingly ask: but how? Let me tell you that Hosea's ministry became the one performed 'in the flesh'. You see Jesus was the Word that became flesh. So was Hosea. In other words, his prophetic ministry, that usually has to do with words, had to do with his very life and his own flesh. Moreover, if people are asked to summarize the ministry of Jesus in one word, that word would probably be LOVE. That is the word that will truly summarize the book and the ministry of Hosea. To know more you are cordially invited to read the book for yourself. You will learn more about the loving heart of God than you ever have before. Enjoy your reading.

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