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Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands
(Jorge Amado)

Jorge Amado, one of the greatest names in contemporary Brazilian and world literature, achieves, in his novel Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands, to make a strong criticism in relation to Brazilian society, against its narrow-minded customs and limited perspectives. The aspirations of a beautiful cook and her recipes, well balanced by a samba that creates an eco in between the written lines, reflect, in a sometimes shocking manner, the contradictions of a society which has secret addictions and public virtues. The young widow Flor needs sex - and sex is something that she won't have - until she frees herself from the heavy burden of neighbour?s gossip and conservative nature. Only the thought of her dead husband seemed like the only way to reach the unreachable. Meanwhile, the people in the community observe from behind the curtain windows, criticize in secret, creates gossip, on streets and at church, and sex is prohibited even in thought. However, Dona Flor flourishes. Pleasure is the pleasure of life, of sex, of good food, of the sun which eternally shines from her skin. The wheel of destiny gave Flor a second opportunity. It gave her back her dead husband and, even better, it gave him back exclusively for her, not being able to flatter with other women which brought him to death during an endless Carnival. A living boyfriend adjusts himself to the situation, to this girl-child in a dance circle called Flor - the woman that loves and respects transforms herself into the woman who desires - so he also transforms himself from a serious man into a lover. Pleasure, which is understood by Dona Flor as the realization of her womanhood, will have to flourish from then on. It's a miracle of creation. (By Marcelo Nascimento)

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- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

- Dona Flor And Her Two Husbands

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- Mrs. Flor (flower) And Her Two Husbands

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