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The Metamorphosis
(Franz Kafka)

One fine morning, Gregor Samsa wakes up and sees himself transformed into an insect. Unable to move due of course to his new condition, Gregor continues to stay in the room in the attempt to familiarize himself to his new body and learning to move it. The manager of his firm went to his house in person to his house to ask him why he was late for work. Giving himself in to the manager's pressure, Gregor opens the door. In face of the perplexity of the ones present, Gregor tries to explain the reason for his delay, but his discourse could not be understood because he could not speak, only emit an animal sound. The manager runs away and Gregor is once again left in the room. From then on, Gregor is fed in the room by his sister, first in the morning while others still slept, and a second time after the family's lunchtime. The family was now forced to work. Before, it was Gregor that financially supported the other and, even though he had savings, those would not be sufficient to support them forever. His sister was also responsible for cleaning the room and always left the window opened so that Gregor could see the outside world. Gregor likes to crawl and spends a lot of time hanging from the sealing. His sister decides to take away the furniture to make more room for him to crawl. When his mother and his sister are about to move the furniture, an accident occurs and his mother faints. Afraid of his father, Gregor flies and his father throws apples at him, leaving one of the apples stuck to his back. The family suffers financial restrains and gradually worries less about Gregor. His sister, once so dedicated, now offers him food in a rush and Gregor's room was getting dirtier as time went by. A room is then rented to three gentlemen. One night, Gregor appears in the living room, enchanted by his sister's music and is seen by the men, who get irritated and decide to move away. His sister tells his parents that it is impossible to live this way and proposes them to find a way to get rid of Gregor. Returning to his room, Gregor spends the night contemplating and, involuntarily, his head bends down and Gregor dies. The cleaning lady informs the family about Gregor's death. The family takes the day off to stroll around and speak about the good perspectives for the future.

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