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Our Country - India

Our Country ? India

We say ?India is my country ?. The place where we are born and brought up, where we play happily and grow up is a part of our country. We have special relationship with our surroundings. We develop love and affection for those who live around us. They become our neighbours, companions & friends. We are proud of the place where we live, be it a village, town or city. Many such villages, towns and cities make a country. Our country has millions of such villages and cities.

Every country has a definite border. People livings within those borders are the inhabitants of that country. We live within the boundaries of India and we are all known as Indians.

People living together in a country gradually develop a sense of unity. This feeling is further strengthening through our language, culture and history. This spirit of unity turns country into a nation. We develop a sense of pride for our nation. It gives stability to a nation and promotes developments. We are able to successfully cope with any difficulties that out nation have to face.

National Festivals : We celebrate our national festivals to preserve and promote our spirit of unity. ?Independence Day? and ?Republic Day? are our national festivals

Our country became free on 15th August 1947.Every year we celebrate this day as ?Independence Day?. On this day, flag hoisting ceremonies are held throughout the country. Citizens should make it a point to attend the flag hoisting ceremony. On this occasion, we pay tributes to those great men and women who sacrifices their lives for our country?s freedom.

We celebrate 26 January as ?Republic Day? every year. It was on 26 January 1950 that we began to use a democratic system for our administration .Our Republic Day has special significance .On this day a flag hoisting ceremony is held at the Red Fort in Delhi The grand Republic Day parade is a special feature of our Republic Day celebrations. The three armed forces- the army, navy and air force ? participates in the parade. Students from various States and the National Cadet corps also take part in the parade. We invite the Heads of the state from other countries for the occasion. Children who have won the bravery awards get an opportunity to take part in the parade. All those who are a part of the parade salute the President of India. Many cultural programmes are organized on Republic Day. Republic Day celebrations are organized each State and District also.

Our National Symbols : The national flag, the national anthem and the national emblem are our national symbols. These symbols inspire in our mind, a love for our nation. They too strengthen our spirit of unity.

The national flag : Our national flag has three colours. Each colour gives a definite message. The saffron colour at the top stands for sacrifice and bravery .The white colour in the middle gives the message of peace. The green colour below stands for prosperity .At the centre of the flag on the white band in the middle, there is the Ashoka Chakra in the blue. The Wheel is a symbol of movement. It tells to strive for the progress of our country.

The national anthem : ?Jana ? Gana ? Mana? is our national anthem .This song was composed by Ravindranath Tagore. It describes the various regions, rivers and mountains of India. It is our duty to respect our national anthem. We must always take care to see that no disrespect is shown to the national anthem. We must stand when national anthem is being played.

The national emblem : Each country has its own national or State emblem. We find the national emblem on coins, currency notes and the government letters, etc. Our national emblem is designed after the Ashoka pillar at Sarnath. Inscribed at the base of the national emblem are the words Satyameva Jayate

We should celebrate our national festivals with joy and happiness. It develops amongst us a sense of unity. Our national symbols. Strengthen it further. The spirit of unity is essential for our country?s progress.

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