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The Sorrows Of Young Werther

The Sorrows of Young Werther is an epistolary story of Johann Wolfgang Goethe published in 1774. The plot is simple and logical. Werther, young middle-class artist, himself shelter in the country to occupy of some business of family and begins to know the places and to squeeze chance contacts with the people of the place. To a dance he meets Lotte a young woman of noble spirit, gotten engaged of Albert in that moment distant from home. The beauty of this woman hits the protagonist that begins to attend her assiduous, discovering in her sensibility and culture, ending for loves her. To the return of Albert, that establishes with the rival a cordial relation, Werther, to suffocate his feelings, decides to go away from that place to follow an ambassador. But wretched and perbenista environment of that work don?t like Werther that becomes intolerant towards his assignment. So he decides to return to Lotte that in the meanwhile has married with Albert. An evening during an absence of Albert, Lotte notices herself to love Werther, yields to the effusions of the young one, but in the same moment decides to remove him from her life. Little now after Werther is killed himself.

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