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Big Bad Wolf
(james patterson)

Again Mr Patterson as produced an excellent edge of the seat book. Like most of his books Pop goes the weasel, beach house, four blind mice and most recent mary mary,among many. Patterson as the knack to keep the reader guessing until the end as to the outcome of each book. In the big bad wolf a ruthless mastermind and killer is at large and with no knowledge of his identity, detective Alex Cross is pulled away from his vacation to find this wanted seriel killer unknown to all and with no clues to go on Alex as to use all his skills as a detective to seek out and bring down this killer.. Traveling the world and going on little, if any, information. Alex is lead on a merry go round by the same pray he seeks.its only when he feels he has the wolf in his sights, does he feel the need to strike using all the resourse's available to him.
Patterson as this unique ability to keep you glued, page to page, not wanting to place the book down, until you've read the next chapter in an attempt to find out who really is the wolf..
Being a big fan of Patterson and Alex cross i can recommend this book to any person who likes the plot to twist from page to page, and take you through the emotions as if your Alex Cross himself. So if you love crime fiction then pick up the Patterson collection and become addicted has i did after my first Patterson book Kiss the girls...

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