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Human Awareness Of God
(Gerald Hentich)

Honorable Mention
(Patriots Day)

A chronicle of love out of the 911 tragedy
People helping people to cope with grief
Pulling together as a country
Valuing life as a human being
Flags at half mass
Our President honoring
A firefighter becomes best friends with a lady he helped save
Tape recordings of what went on that day
As America we prayed
Vowing to keep our land safe
Forever we?ll be changed
Hanging on to the memories of those who were so brave
We know what they would say
Keep on loving in the USA
Believe in God
He will help you conquer the hate

Gerald Henrich
Copyright © 2006 Gerald Henrich
All rights reserved, reprinting by permission only

Resumos Relacionados

- A Todas Las Madres Del Mundo-antonio Davilla

- Ciúmes

- Cronicas De Un Corazon Roto (ii)

- You Can Do It.

- Terra Mãe

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