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The life is filled of bounces. Yes, you will say to me, but she does not say anything again for us. No, I do not claim to remake the world, I want simply to say that with the age the reason does not come, that time does not arrange necessarily the things and that it is not true that all comes which can wait. A package of small alleviating sentences to premium access which finally are fixed in our memories as of our birth and form integral part of our daily actions. Nobody was born under good or an unlucky star. Anybody should be made his chances. He should be seized opportunity when it passes. Not to reflect but jump above like a lion famished in front of a poor ewe. It is necessary to crush the adversaries or all those which are put on our road reaching the same goal or simply for to make us some of colors. No, I am not aggressive or old and insincerely. I am right a young woman, beautiful and professional who decided finally to see the life for as it is is, and not for what as I would liked it is, how in the Harlequin novels!
Only one guide exists for all the women. LOVE. LOVE of her children, LOVE of her mother, LOVE of her father, LOVE of her brothers and sisters and LOVE of the man. To note the order of my enumeration is the order in which a normal woman should like. Our reason is too often left in background.
Why reflect? Doesn't one collect what one sows? I hope that you do not await harvest. Sow, yes, sow if you want it, by pure pleasure. But do not wait anything in return and especially from people towards whom you showed of kindness, generosity, comprehension, altruism and I pass from there. Do not await anything the whole.
Out of waiting and attack, the suffering thus becomes inaccessible. It remains far from us. It us effleurage like the water drops one day old of rain on our impermeable. Become even egoistic? narcissus?
.Eat or you'll be eaten? You must to choose

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