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(William Shakespeare)

William Shakespeare was one of the greatest dramatist of all times.Hamlet is one of my favourite work of Shakespeare. Hamlet is a story of young prince of Denmark who returns to his kingdom for funeral of his father.Hamlet is disturbed by the untimely death of his father and subsequent marriage of his mother Getrude to his uncle Claudius.These events are not easily digested by young Hamlet and hence, he is always sad about it.One night,Hamlet sees his late father in his room.The late king narrates the entire story of his death to his son and specifies that his mother has done nothing wrong. He mentions Claudius in his story.From that day onwards Hamllet decides to takerevenge of his father's death.
The entire drama deals with Hamlet's revenge. The drama has famous sololiques like "To be or not to be...."and scenes like grave-digger's, play in play where Hamlet with help of his friends enact the exact scene of his father's death which makes Claudius uncomfortable.The dilemma that Hamlet faces throughout the drama is effectively depicted by Shakespeare.Hamlet in the end loses his love,mother and kills his unclewho is the culprit.But everything goes in vain as he succumbs to his injuries and dies.
Many critics all over the world have been guessing the problem of Hamlet but they have not reacched to any valid conclusion. The greatness of the work lies in the fact that even today people are in awe of the character of Hamlet and its creator.
A person who is interested in classic literature,Hamlet is amust read for him.

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