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The Screwtape Letters
(C.S Lewis)

A 1961 classic with contemporary relevance, The Screwtape Letters is a fountain of wisdom for purposeful living. The diabolic and ironic wisdom of the older advisor to the young tempter is a clear and realistic mirror of the present physical life being a chase game with spiritual stakeholders. The age old enemity between the the almighty God and the fiendish Devil is discreetly brought to the surface, only this novel is written through the eye of one old demon veteran who is coaching a new recruit on how to tempt humans, especially those who have converted to faith in God. The book touches on all fundamental issues of life as the young demon tempter tries to manipulate the will of his human assignment. As you read, you will be well impressed by the deep insight and gripping relevance of the book to everyday life. The rhetoric question of whether you really believe in the existence and influence of devils will haunt you as you see and locate yourself in these powerful pages. Hopefully at the end, you will echoe together with me that indeed this is a book well written.

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