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Stillness Speaks
(Eckhart Tolle)


This book by Eckhart Tolle the author of the bestseller ?The Power of Now?, is about silence and stillness.

The book is beautifully written and presented in small paragraphs. It guides you to achieve inner silence and stillness and thus peace and happiness. It tells us how the inner energy can be felt once the external and internal noise level reduces and ceases.

The book is divided into various chapters each dealing with a specific issue which helps the mind to quieten down and become silent and still by reducing the inner chattering.

Reading the book will not only lead to peace and happiness but will also make you to do self introspection in order to improve the quality of your life.

This book is a must for all and to be read regularly and to be absorbed by the inner mind. One should read it whenever the mind is disturbed and agitated. This book has helped me a lot to reduce stress and anxiety and to attain to peace and inner harmony and balance.

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