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The Real Reason For The Warming Of The Atmosphere

We live in a world of ?dualisms?, hence it stands to reason that the microscopic atom, a basic unit of matter, has a corresponding macroscopic atom, consisting of sophisticated macro units of matter around a nucleus. The various atomic constituents either cling together around a nucleus to form a sophisticated system working in concert as a coherent whole, or separate as basic systems. Both obey the same cosmic laws and principles in space-time. The solar system can be considered a closed system and its nucleus can exchange heat for work, but not matter, with its orbiting properties - the planets and other celestial bodies. Though only on Earth macro- and micro-organisms are found.

It also stands to reason that the same laws and principles that act upon micro atoms under the microscope macro atoms also obey ? in their designated space-time. A correlation between the workings of micro and macro systems is indisputably obvious. The Uncertainty Principle and Entropy being the most significant laws indicating the level of disorder an atom is at to predict its collapse. The earth is one of those macro systems.

Entropy is a process directed by a higher order. For the sake of comparison this illustration might be useful: consider a system made up of a hot body and a cold body. If the bodies contact each other, heat will flow from the hot body to the cold one. This heat flow can be utilized for a number of things, i.e. a device that turns thermal energy into mechanical energy for production of something. Once the two bodies have reached the same temperature, the production comes to a halt. This process is irreversible. Only by means of the Big Crunch can cosmic energy be restored to all its celestial bodies. At present, although the heat transfer has lost no energy there is not enough left in the earth to do useful work. Chaotic, erratic and disordered behaviour of the system?s properties is the indicator that the entropy (heat transfer) of the earth (system) has significantly increased and the end result is predictable. Its heat loss is getting greater by the day and hence not able anymore to sustain a population that has exploded. At the time of equilibrium earth will experience an implosion. The basic and weak human organisms are given to perish first; some without any struggle (AIDS victims, and those in the famine stricken areas) and some not without a big fight (through warfare, genocides and violence). Animal species on land and in the waters, plant life and human lives are on the road to destruction. The earth has arrived at the ?fall season?.

As the vast amounts of organic matter decompose the energy that is thus released emit radiation as in all transfer processes essences are released, a fundamental property of any organism or object. Essence in metaphysics is often synonymous with soul an object?s intrinsic nature.
Hence, atoms are bouncing around from all sorts of decaying matter creating heat - and heat always moves toward the cold - and in this instance toward the cold regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. There, it penetrates the ozone layer to reach the still colder region of outer space causing holes in the process.
When atomic particles collide in the air photons are emitted we experience in form of lightning bolts responsible for igniting forest fires. The heat transfer (from the earth to the cosmos) will increase as more destruction is on the horizon, but will be short-lived.

Due to this process temperature increase has been noticed. Paradoxically we?re headed toward cooler temperatures entropy would predict, and after equilibrium has occurred the temperature will stabilize and the ozone hole repair itself.
The vast amount of radiation emitted from various sources of decay and from friction of atomic particles colliding, is the real cause for the greenhouse effect. Radiations from computerized gadgets, big and small, compound the problem. That CFC and halon emissions cause air pollutiondetrimental to human health and to the environment is, of course, a given, but I consider them only minor contributors toward the depletion of the ozone layer, though man must control these harmful pollutants or they will control him.

As well, daily millions of people commute to work, and tourists, school children, shoppers, soldiers, criminals, refugees, etc, are constantly in motion moving in and out of their orbits, plus millions of parcels and containers and large numbers of airplanes cut through the air causing friction-generated small quanta of heat, collectively create large amounts.

All the above indicate Earth is an excited atom. When large amounts of water evaporate it comes down again in torrential rains leading to floods. When the warm and cool air masses collide wind forces up to hurricane and typhoon strength are created. A cooling body that the earth is contracts causing shrinkage, but also earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The solar system operates in 7000-year cycles and at present we?re at the 6000th year mark. The ?day of rest? will soon arrive. At the end of the 7000 years the solar system will experience a Big Crunch. It is then regenerated for a new Big Bang that will start a new cycle and a new creation on earth. Hence, the theories of ?Special Creation? and ?Evolution? are quite reconcilable.

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