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The Cave
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The Portuguese author Z'oza Saramago changed in the last years to one of the conductor's authors in the world, and all his book became a success, or outrage, larger from the previous. As continuation to the two his exquisite books "On the blindness " all the names ", arrived the third excellent book " the cave ".some will crown the three the books as one of the important trilogies of the last years or the important at all. In story details and in the characteristics of the figures every book is different from the others but styles of the writing are very similar. The book is about an old potter that dwells with his young daughter in the secluded village.
The potter during all his life labors, work and create crocks to a huge shopping center which called in the book "the big mall", thing that connect properly to the readers with criticism on the modern world. The work of the pottery is soundtrack his life and the reason to the potter of get up every morning. Dealing with pottery is the object of his big love except for his big love to his house. But suddenly one day the big mall ceases the supply from the old potter.
The daughter tries to solve the problem in all kinds of ways, tries to be creative, but nothing help, and the mall does not renew the supply. The two are compelled to pass and live with the daughter husband, the guard in the mall, that promoted and recipe a prestigious apartment in the mall. In continuation, we can expect surprises (see the book name..) The curious ones are invited to open and to read, you will not be disappointed even for one moment. 'The cave ' offers critical contemplation (very extreme, as befitting Saramago) on the globalization and it's social effects.
The book present us poverty against affluence, a of hand work against modern industrialization, city against village, and many many interest. All this in the exclusive thrilling style of Saramago , sweep dialogues, simplistic writing, and many philosophical ideas under and over to the terrain. The book is recommended with warmth! One of the best books that will read

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