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The Grand Warning(this Is Lengthy But It Gets Interesting)part 1,2,and 3
(Savannah Garoutte; Yehweh)

Part One:

What if you could warn
what if you could help
what if it was urgent

would you lhisten
would you believe
would you use logic
would you feel the need

What if I told you something is going to happen very soon
and to be prepaired
grow close to god
the true god who cares

Now my urgent message
The world is coming to an end
as most can see
Keep canned goods and water in your trunk at all times(enouph for the whole family)
As the bible said it will happen in a time that nobody thinks, it will come as a theif in the night.
Christidiom is going down.
And havoc between 1% and the other 99% of religion will cause confusion.
Search ernestly for that 1% as if it were a treasure , its closer then we think.
We dont want to be caught in that moment and not be prepaired.

If your confused of my message I will try to make it more clear.
Noah tried to warn the people of the coming of the flood.
Nobody believed they thought he was crazy.

This time will be different instead of 7 many will survive.

This time 1%of religion is warning the entire globe

This religion is the hardest thing youll ever do(very strict)but god knows the heart knows you cant change overnight.
After gods almightd day new scrolls will be opened .Yes dog has a plan.
A 1,000 years is but a day to god(he has been very patient with us not wanting any to die)
So please open your heart and understand this old system will soonly end.
(I need to re wright this and put it into better wording and more scriptures, this next part is mostly scriptures.

Part 2
The Day Of God What Is It?

We have a good reason to wonder what the day of Yehweh will be like. You may ask, ' Does the day of god have any bearing on how I live now and on my future? As the prophets indicated, the day of god is a period when Yehweh acts against his ememies to execute judgment, a day of battle. that fear-inspiring day will likely be a day of celestial phenomnena. Here are some exsamples of the great day of god and what god has done before.

Joel 2:2: It is a day of darkness and gloominessm a day of clouds and thick gloom, like light of dawn spread out upon the mountains

Joel 2:11: and Yehweh himself will certainly give forth his voice before his military force., for his camp is very numerous. For he who is carrying out his word is mighty; for the day of Jehovah is great and very fear-inspiring, and who can hold up under it?"

Joel 2:30: And I will give portents in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.

Joel 2:31: the sun itself will ve turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Yehweh.

Joel 3:15: sun and moon theselves will actually withdraw their brightness.

Amos 5:18 "Woe to those who are craving the day of yehweh! what, then, will the day of Yehweh mean to you people? It will be darness and no light, Amos 5:19 just as when a man flees because of the lion, and the bear actually meets him; and [as when] he went into the house and supported his hand against the wall, and the serpent bit him.

Amos 8:9 " and it must occur in that day, is the uttrance of the Sovereign Lord Yehweh, ' that I will make the sun go down at high noon, and I will cause darkness for the land on a bright day.

Micah 1:4: and the mountians must melt under him, and the low plains themselves will split apart, like wax because of the fire, like waters being poured down a steep place.

Amos 5:14 " search for what is good, and not what is bad, to the end that you people may keep living; and that thus Yehweh the God of armies may come to be with you, just as you have said.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Twelve Minor Prophets:

- The Twelve Minor Prophets:

- Iii. Amos

- Ii. Joel

- Genesis

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