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Emotional Bounce
(bimbo odukoya)

A lady came to see me for counseling and told me her story, she had known a man for only six month before they began discussing marriage. They went to their pastor and because the man was close to the pastor, received his approval. Eventually they got married.
How ever, the marriage lasted for only one and a half years before the man divorced her. It had been a discovering to her that this ma who had professed to love her was homosexual, and had married only to satisfy his parents wishes. Though the marriage did not produce any child, she still found it hard picking up the pieces of her life. She commented to me, ?I wish I had slowed down and not allowed my emotions to get the better of me. It was a traumatic experience that I wouldn?t wish on even my enemy.
Don?t rush into marriage, take it slowly, get to know each other you shouldn?t rush into something big enough to crush you.
Don?t bend rules, watch out for ulterior motives the man knew he was homosexual but got married to please his parents.

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