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The World Is Flat
(Thomas Friendman)

The World Is Flat
Thomas Friedman

This is a marvelous book written by Thomas Friedman. It is full of latest knowledge of 21 century. The author tells us that while he was sleeping this world became flat. He comes to India,meets Nandan Nilikani (CEO of Infosys Technology). He sees India's progress in the fiend of IT. Then he feels that the world is not round, it is flat. He tells this idea to his wife and conviences her, he also hopes that he will also convience the adience. He divides globlization in three parts-
(i)Globlization1.0 - Till 1800 century when the world became Medium.
(ii)Globlization 2.0- From 1800 to 2000 when the world became Small.
(iii)Globlization 3.0-From 2000,it currently in progress.

The author says that Globlization1.0 was Dominated by europeans. Globlization 2.0 was dominated by Americans. And Globlization 3.0 is being dominated by Ashian Countries. Now he tells about The Ten forces That flattaned the world.

(i) First of all he tells us about 11/9/89 and describes marvellously that how 11/9/89 was responsible for 9/11/01. Indeed a wonderful thought.

(ii)Then he tells about 8/9/95 when Netscape was launched and now all the world can easily can be connected with internet. It really made the world flat.

(iii) Now he tells that how all the software companies had a rush to develop softwares.

(iv) In this section he tells us about open-sourcing. how people are trying to make free softwares like open-office,apache etc.

(V) Now he tells us about outsourcing. How indian people are getting jobs through outsourcing. He tells a lot about it.

(VI-X) In these chapters he tells about offshoring,supply-chaining,insourcing,in-forming and steroids. He says that all the american companies are in a great rush to open their branches in china. These companies wants to use the cheap labour of china. In the chapter 7 he describes Wal-mart (a retail behemoth). he alos tells about UPS in america.In the last he tells about information technology-google,yahoo,msn etc.
He says that all these forces made the world flat. Now he tells the effects of the flattened world on America. He appeals all the americans to beware of all the countries.He says that now the competition is very high for americans to survivein this world.He also describes about the effects of the flattened world on Developing Nations and on Companies.

In the conclusion he tells 11/9/89 verses 9/11/01. He also imagin about India. He also says about the oil curse. In a nutshell we can say that this is a book full of knowledge,imagination and the globalization.

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