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Bible Study Day 19 Of The Gospel Of John
(Bethany S. Heard)


We can have confidence when we rely on God?s love, and produce it, also, ourselves. When we do not fear that the spider on the wall, of which we tend to be wary, will come & sit beside us, because we trust in God?s love, and we know He knows we hate them? To sit perfectly calm and still, knowing that God is the safety net keeping the spider from dropping on our heads. It is there, but we do not have to let it shape our lives. We let Him shape us. We will then feel the confidence we crave? Perfect love sends fear scurrying away, as we would have dearly loved to run from the spider, but instead choose to invest trust in the Lord, as He has invested His love, and soul, in us? We love because we need to. We disintegrate without it. God made sure we need love, so that we would have hope of seeking His love? That way, we can come back to Him, and He can come back to us. Perfect love comes from God. If we wander, unfaithfully, and develop a ?need? for some other kind of love, from another source, that cannot be perfect love we are receiving? Stop!!! Think..! Are you lonesome? Have you struggled up to this point?? Are you drinking from the only pure Well there is to drink from..? Is your love God?s love??? I know the difference ? I swing back and forth, admittedly, and I know the difference in taste that DOES exist between God?s purity and my own watered-down cup? I can tell the difference. I know what sort of a day I am having! A person who hates his brother is living a lie, diminishing his own happiness, and disappointing God. This person is not loving as God commanded, with all His heart ? His heart is yours! (and if it currently isn?t, it SHOULD be!!!) We should all exhibit, genuinely, the characteristics (of God, our Lord) of LOVE (proof: compassion, tolerance, patience, empathy, consideration ? Jesus willingly gave all these to us!)? If we aren?t capable of LOVE, then how can we say we HEAR and LISTEN to the Word and Will of our Saviour and Father..??? If we are truly open to the LOVE of Jesus, which we have to demonstrate, (from the heart) then, we will feel far & away better than we have, ever..! ? Because that one step further HAS brought us closer to the Messiah and Lord? We will feel safer than we have in years because we have been Saved..!!! To get to that point, we must work so that our Father can see us toil to prove our Love for, through, and by His Son? It is not exclusivity! It is FACT ? It is just the way things work!!! Do we TRULY understand why signals create pictures that TV aerials can pick up, or how that gets copied onto a blank video-cassette??? NO ? But IT?S THE WAY THINGS WORK ? It?s tiresome to question it!!! But with the Lord, you have to have Faith, before you see the finished product of the marvel and you WILL marvel at His miracles! It?ll be worth entertaining the idea, and then, learning to incorporate it into your life, coming to rely upon it ? Which you CAN do, if you read the INSTRUCTION MANUAL, and actually bother to follow it ? It may seem foreign to start with, but you will see results, and, even better, you will EXPERIENCE them. Turn on, tune in, and, LIVE THE LIFE? Be exhilarated!!! Don?t be tempted to hide behind the cushion or change the channel..!

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