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Emily Dickinson

Dickinson is indisputably the greatest woman poet, perhaps the greatest
woman writer in the history of American literature, a fact that has
stimulated a great deal of feminist interest in her work. Gender
critics have sought to explore what is uniquely female in her poetic
sensibility, and to consider her life and its choices for what they
reveal about the options available or unavailable to women in her
culture (and in American culture generally), and for the degree to
which the choices that she made can be seen as the manifestations
of a specifically feminine sensibility.
The first thing that any reader
notices about Dickinson?s poetry is the uniqueness of its style, not
only ? the rich silence ? they are made of, as Thackerey said, but also
the profoundly personal and highly evocative way in which she uses
Throughout Emily Dickinson?s
poetry there are three main themes that she addresses : death, nature
and love, all of them leading the reader into a world of sensibility,
charm and delicacy, a world of ? rich silence ? indeed.

Resumos Relacionados

- Burning In Water, Drowning In Flame

- Burning In Water, Drowning In Flame

- I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died

- I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died

- Inspired By "sex & The City"

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