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(Adroaldo Bauer)

In society
Relations of production
They determine social relations

In society, everything is known
Of the Culture, of Science and the Arts
Of you settle them and the reproductions

Politics conforms
As religion that molds and transforms
Of the pulpit to Ether
Profane the sacred one
It kneads in mass
Beyond the people in fight
Beyond the Meca's deads
Bomb and rocket for a god
Oil per thousand for the barrel
He is all old before old one
It is unbuttoned, insane, stonewashed, disarranged everything
And however, accurate
Because it was in air, insufficient, unable to subsist
Living not to die
Without a doubt that it has doubt!
Who doubts the life:
It is to have in the mind
The creation
And much faith in the heart
Against penalties e
the perpetual fury.
I hesitate.
Passion changed for reason
In it brings them in return to I recommence it
I measure of new
I think.
I say myself:
Nor more, nor less
How the imperfect return!


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