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Sex: A Subject
(Daljit Khankhana)

When I turned on the local radio station, the discussion was heating up. Is teaching of sex suitable for children or not? I went to speak my wife. What do you think about it? She said to me, ? this is good thing to aware children about their bad or good manners.
She was absolutely right. When I were sixteen years old and studying in tenth class. My Sister was a teacher. She was getting her marriage within few weeks. I found a book under her pillow that was related partner relations. I forgot the title of that book but the conclusion I had applied in my life and living prosperous over 18 years family life.
Although Asian parents are little bet shy to discuss this matter with their children and hesitates to watch TV serials those are entertained with loving relations or films they are loving kind and entire life they spent in hiding.
They never preferred that this is important subject of life.
I heard many times when a newly married girl went first time with her husband to honeymoon and came back direct to her Mum?s home and seeking divorce within two weeks time.
When boy approached to them to bring her back to her home, she put forward to her mum to talk to them. A girl knew that sex a subject that only her mother can better understand than her Dad.
The relatives always blames to her mother that she is not cooperative that?s why they are facing divorce.
But they never understand that Divorce is a cause of misunderstanding of a subject of sex. When Boy failed to satiate to her partner on honeymoon bed, she decided to kick him out straight away from her life.

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